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Several methods of curing garlic

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Several methods of curing garlic

Release date:2019-12-14 Author:JINING SHANGZHUO FOOD CO.,LTD Click:

Garlic is very important in the kitchen. As the "five meat", once and it in the history of small partner kitchen status ups and downs, only it, more and more important. In the years of poverty, it is the condiment of simple dishes. In the era of prosperity, it provides flavor for fish and meat. Strong, fresh and even sweet, it is responsible for key taste experiences in various occasions, but you may never notice it. Now Jining Shangzhuo Food Co., Ltd. will introduce some methods of marinating garlic to you


1. Salt directly

Garlic can be pickled directly: when the fresh garlic is on the market, you can buy some fresh and tender garlic, remove the outer skin of the garlic, leave the inner two layers. In addition, cut all the garlic sprouts and roots, soak them in water for two days, and then take them out and add in water and edible salt to marinate them directly. After 15 days, the garlic will be pickled, and can be taken out and eaten directly Now.

2. Directly pickled with rice vinegar

Peel the garlic. Break the garlic into small pieces. Wash your hands and peel off the skin of each garlic clove (do not wash). Put the peeled garlic into a container that can be sealed and add a small spoon of sugar. Pour in rice vinegar. The amount of rice vinegar is about equal to the garlic cloves. Close the sealing cap. Put it in the refrigerator or in a cold place at home. All garlic will turn green and taste better after soaking for more than two weeks.

3. Marinate directly with vinegar

In winter, garlic can also be pickled directly with vinegar. The pickling method is also very simple. Just remove the garlic and peel it into cloves. Put it in a clean container, and then add rice vinegar into the container. If you want to leave all the cloves intact, seal the container. After a few days, the garlic will turn green. When you want to eat it, you can take it out and eat it. The vinegar of pickled garlic can also be used As a condiment for many dishes.

This article URL:http://www.shangzhuofood.com/news/428.html

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