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Often eat garlic products on the human body

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Often eat garlic products on the human body

Release date:2018-12-22 Author:shangzhuofood Click:

Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases

This kind of scientific clinical reports can be said to be numerous, the medical community is more convinced of its clinical role. The analysis of its mechanism of action in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases mainly includes three aspects:

(1) a group of sulfur compounds in garlic (hereinafter referred to as garlic extract) can inhibit the generation and synthesis of HMGCOA from cholesterol in the liver, and thereby reduce blood cholesterol (high blood cholesterol is the most important factor constituting arteriosclerosis, heart disease and hypertension).

(2) garlic extract can inhibit Adenosine deaminase in vascular endothelial cells, increase the concentration of nitric oxide (NO) in endothelial cells which is enough to relax blood vessels, and block the calcium ion channels in cells, so as to achieve the effect of vascular relaxation and blood pressure reduction.

(3) allicin has a strong antithrombotic activity, and allicin is the protagonist of this effect (aijon's antithrombotic activity is only 3% of allicin). Therefore, the antithrombotic effect of allicin has a satisfactory prevention and treatment effect on myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis and venous tumor.

Fight bacteria and viruses

In western medicine, we refer to antibiotics as the agents used to treat microbial infections, and the main role of these agents is to eliminate enough microorganisms to cause human illness. However, no matter how advanced drug research and development is, up to now, the microbicide effect of antibiotics can only be targeted at one or two specific types. As for the treatment of protozoa, there is another class of drugs. Only garlic, the precious gift from god, can effectively deal with the threats posed by bacteria, viruses, molds and protozoa to the human body at the same time.

Garlic essence has a wide effect of sterilization, whether it is aerobic bacteria (tuberculosis) or anaerobic bacteria, garlic essence has an obvious killing effect. On the other hand, for some viruses that are not readily available in western medicine, such as Human rhinovirus type2, which is related to nasopharyngeal carcinoma and sinusitis, Herpes simplex virus type 1 (type2), smallpox virus and lip rash, allicin appears to play an important role (ND Weber, et al., Planta Med, 1992 Oct). 58 (5) : 417-423. What's more, allicin has the effect of blocking the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, at high doses.


This article URL:http://www.shangzhuofood.com/news/396.html

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