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What cant chestnuts be eaten with

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What cant chestnuts be eaten with

Release date:2018-12-22 Author:shangzhuofood Click:

Chestnut nutrition is rich, vitamin C content is higher than tomatoes, is more than ten times the apple. The mineral in chestnut is very comprehensive also, have potassium, zinc, iron to wait, although content does not have hazelnut tall, but still compare apple to wait for common fruit tall much, contain potassium content to exceed 3 times more than apple especially. Chestnut into the dish, not only from the collocation of other ingredients to absorb delicious, but also do not lose their original taste, so it is widely used in dishes cooking.

1, chestnut + mutton: fire, vomiting

Chestnuts should not be eaten with mutton, because both chestnuts and mutton belong to the hot food, if eaten at the same time, it is easy to cause fire oh. In addition, both are not easy to digest, with stewed stir-fried are not appropriate, and may even eat with vomiting.

2,Chestnut + tofu: may cause stones

Tofu contains magnesium chloride and calcium sulfate, while chestnut contains oxalic acid. When the two kinds of food meet, magnesium oxalate and calcium oxalate can be produced. These two kinds of white precipitates not only affect the body's absorption of calcium, but also easy to lead to lithiasis. Similarly, tofu should not be eaten with bamboo shoots, water bamboo shoots, or spinach.

3, chestnut + almond: eat together will stomachache

Chestnut is cannot eat together with almond, the word that eats together can cause stomachache.

Because the amount of fat in almond is higher, can cause abdomen to leak easily, cannot eat together with chestnut so, almond belongs to hot sex food, have small poison, ate much word to be able to hurt reach muscle and bone, cause old disease to have a relapse, the vitamin C that chestnut contains however is more. Accordingly, if chestnut and almond are eaten together, the phenomenon that can appear stomachache, if have the friend of gastric disease formerly, still can make your stomach disease has a relapse oh.

4, chestnut + beef: abdominal distension vomiting indigestion

The vitamin in chestnut produces reaction easily with the microelement in beef, weaken chestnut nutrition value, and digest not easily. Beef sex is warm, it has the effect of invigorating spleen, stomach, waist and feet, invigorating qi; Chestnut belongs to salty and warm, with kidney qi, qi qi thick gastrointestinal effect.


This article URL:http://www.shangzhuofood.com/news/401.html

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