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Sweet potato which can not tell brothers and sisters

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Sweet potato which can not tell brothers and sisters

Release date:2019-11-09 Author:Jining shangzhuo food co. LTD Click:

   Potato is a very common thing in our life. From childhood to adulthood, I have always liked this delicious dish of baked sweet potato. Every time I buy baked sweet potatoes, I always listen to others talking about baked sweet potatoes and baked sweet potatoes. When I first heard it, I felt very strange, because, in my impression, sweet potatoes and sweet potatoes are not the same. But everyone is so called, small also used to sweet potatoes and a nickname called sweet potato.

   However, wait to see sweet potato, and very curious think: sweet potato called sweet potato, sweet potato also called sweet potato, that sweet potato and sweet potato not mix it? Then they were told that sweet potato is called white sweet potato or sweet potato. Finally, by the time you see the sweet potatoes, they're all mixed up. Even, there are sweet potatoes, sweet potato called potatoes, but potatoes and they are not a category, after all, potatoes are not sweet, here is not clear. What's the difference between sweet potato, sweet potato and sweet potato?

jining shangzhuo food

   Sweet potato:

   Sweet potato nickname is very much, such as, potato, sweet potato, sweet potato potato, fan ge. Although it and sweet potato is not the same thing, but the north will be called sweet potato. Even now, most people in the south think there is nothing wrong with sweet potatoes being called sweet potatoes. It's just that the skin of the sweet potato is reddish purple and yellow orange inside. Generally speaking, the redder the sweet potato, the sweeter the taste. Sweet potato suits charcoal roast, also can be used to boil porridge, taste soft glutinous clear sweet, very delicious.

   Sweet potato:

   Beijing, hebei area, will put yellow heart potato, sweet potato, sweet potato a kind of unity called sweet potato, in order to distinguish prominent purple potato this category. Sweet potato and sweet potato look very similar, just look at the skin, not good distinction. It's just that sweet potatoes don't taste as sweet as sweet potatoes, and they don't taste as good, so we tend to buy them. So, there are also vendors in order to sell out sweet potatoes called sweet potatoes. When you buy them, make sure you recognize that they taste like nothing else.

   Sweet potato:

   Because sweet potato inside is white, some people will also call sweet potato as sweet potato. Of course, sweet potato and sweet potato difference is very big, after all, sweet potato to peel to eat, sweet potato can peel to eat. Sweet potato texture is close, contain water big. Raw tastes sweet, just like fruit. Cooked, crisp and delicious, with a hint of fragrance, than raw eat less chewy, but also the same delicious.

jining shangzhuo food

   In fact, all three are already confused. Over time, though, the names of these three ingredients have been mistaken. But there's another kind of common knowledge that's already under our convention. Even if the name is wrong, we know what it is, just like, when we say baked sweet potato, we don't think "sweet potato" is sweet potato, but we know it is sweet potato. Sweet potatoes cut the skin, we see the color, we know what the difference is inside, it's a big difference.

This article URL:http://www.shangzhuofood.com/news/426.html

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