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Can you lose weight by eating corn?

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Can you lose weight by eating corn?

Release date:2020-06-16 Author:JINING SHANGZHUO FOOD CO.,LTD Click:

Weight loss is seasonal, all the year round to talk about this topic, so corn can lose weight, although corn is rich in dietary fiber but not low in calories, corn is high in calories why lose weight? When a lot of people reduce weight, choose to eat a corn in the evening, will corn be fat when having dinner? Below Jining Shangzhuo Food Co., LTD. Small make up and we come to understand it!

frozen boiled glutinous corn

Corn is very good whole grain, but quantity of heat also is not low, as to the reason that corn quantity of heat is high still reduce weight, basically be because corn contains rich dietary fiber, can promote digest, help bowel to absorb. At the same time, corn also has a very large sense of satiety, eat a little will easily feel full, so eat corn is conducive to weight loss.

Different, each person's body constitution is different, absorptive capacity is different, because this corn reduces weight method is not applicable to everybody. Corn contains 196 kcal per 100 grams, 1.2 grams of crude fiber, 3.8 grams of protein, 2.3 grams of fat, 40.2 grams of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Corn contains more crude fiber, than white rice, refined surface high 4-10 times. Corn also contains a lot of magnesium, magnesium can strengthen the peristalsis of the intestinal wall, promote waste excretion. The above ingredients and functions of corn are very beneficial for weight loss.

Sticky corn contains mostly sucrose, while older corn contains mostly starch. Both have about the same amount of calories.

Appropriate absorb a few quantity of heat to be helpful for preserving physical strength, anyway, integratedly speaking, corn is very good food reducing weight, the MM that wants thin body might as well try corn reducing weight method! Corn contains a lot of dietary fiber, can embellish bowel to discharge enteric poison, achieve the effect of thin lower abdomen thereby, and dietary fiber is met in intestines swell, can increase satiety feeling.

This article URL:http://www.shangzhuofood.com/news/432.html

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