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The function and function of bamboo shoots

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The function and function of bamboo shoots

Release date:2020-08-13 Author:JINING SHANGZHUO FOOD CO.,LTD Click:

Winter bamboo shoots are not only vegetables, but also medicine. It is recorded in Chinese medicine that winter bamboo shoots taste sweet and cold, and have the functions of "benefiting seven orifects, connecting blood veins, resolving phlegm and saliva, eliminating food bloating". Modern medicine thinks, bamboo shoot has wait for action, eat bamboo shoot to have effect reducing weight so. "With the rest of the diet spectrum" : "Shu Yu, turbiditis rising clear, open phlegm." Especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang people to moth-eaten bamboo shoots for medicinal purposes, named "insect shoots", as an effective diuretic, suitable for edema, abdominal water, beriberi foot swelling, acute nephritis edema, asthma cough, diabetes, thirst and heat, bamboo leaves, bamboo shavings, bamboo lek are used as medicinal. Health experts believe that people in places where bamboo forests grow live longer and suffer less from high blood pressure, which is partly due to eating bamboo shoots more often.

Water bamboo shoot

Bamboo shoots contain a kind of white nitrogen-containing substance, which constitutes the unique fragrance of bamboo shoots. It has the function of appetizing, promoting digestion and enhancing appetite. It can be used to treat indigestion and the disease of being dumb.

Wide chest, good for diaphragm, bowel movement, bamboo shoots, ganshandongli, the plant fiber it contains can increase the amount of intestinal water storage, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce intestinal pressure, reduce fecal viscosity, make fecal soft and beneficial discharge, used for the treatment of constipation, prevention of colorectal cancer; The bamboo shoots are characterized by low sugar and low fat, rich in plant fiber, which can reduce excess body fat, eliminate phlegm and remove stasis, treat hypertension, hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia, and have a certain preventive effect on digestive tract cancer and breast cancer.

It can enhance the immunity of the body. The content of plant protein, vitamins and trace elements in bamboo shoots is very high, which is helpful to enhance the immune function of the body and improve the ability of disease prevention and resistance. Prevent heart disease, bamboo shoots are rich in protein, can provide the body with appropriate nutrients, enhance the body resistance, prevent atherosclerosis. Decocting bamboo shoots, chenpu and wax gourd skins in water together will help in the treatment of heart disease.

This article URL:http://www.shangzhuofood.com/news/435.html

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